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Dr. Clayton Broome

I decided that I wanted to become a Doctor of Chiropractic when I was a teenager in high school. The reason for this decision was all because of a low back sports injury. I played football at Dorman High School where I was the starting middle linebacker. After several big hits I began to have severe low back pain and sciatica down both of my legs. Medical doctor visits resulted in very little alleviation in my pain so I decided to go see a chiropractor. It took only 1.5 weeks for my low back pain and sciatica to be completely resolved and I could get back to playing football again. After the brief amount of care I was able to lift more in the gym and produce more as a player which got me thinking that I want to help others like my chiropractor helped me. The rest is history! Each and every class I took from them on out was committed to learning how to become the best chiropractor I could be. Over 10 years later I am doing what I love and, most importantly, I am helping others get back to their pain-free lives just like my chiropractor helped me.